Bali tantra yoga retreats – photo by Sarah Siblik
Why does Bali seem to offer so many classes where couples can learn to better communicate and to better enjoy their intimacy? I had this on my mind while searching for Bali yoga retreats near my villa. I kept on stumbling upon things like “Bali Couples Retreat – Rediscovering Intimacy”, ” Tantra Alchemy”, “Bali Bliss Retreat” or “Tantra and the Yoga of Intimacy”. Discover with me what this is all about, why Bali is a good place for a tantric yoga retreat, and what 3 typical tantric yoga classes offer to women and men who want a deeper emotional and physical connection with their partner.
Bali has acted as a magnet to Westerners since the 1920’s, when German artist Walter Spies shaped the vision that the world had of Bali and when he himself started influencing the actual Balinese arts. Hippies in the 1960’s and 1970’s made Bali a popular destination for all kinds of meditation and/or surfing needs. True, the Bali Hindu culture makes the island very receptive to Indian-born teachings such as yoga and tantra.
The equation is simple:
Romance + Yoga + Exoticism + Sensuality + Beautiful Retreats = Tantra Yoga Classes in Bali
Let me explain:
- Bali is seen all over the world as a romantic island, with lots of honeymooners and couples spending amorous time on its shores. For most couples, spending great vacations often means having great sex away from home
- Sensuality is part of the Bali myth; quite a few Balinese dances are actually meant to be sensual (like the Joger dance)
- Bali is a spiritual island: temples are everywhere, Balinese villages seem to hold religious ceremonies every other day, and meditation centers flourish in the hills of Ubud
- Bali yoga retreats are numerous, hosted by Balinese, Asian, and Western gurus. These retreats have to offer a wide palette of yoga classes, including tantra yoga, in order to catch the interest of tourists
- Spending time in a Bali retreat is an attractive idea, as the island offers plenty of beautiful accommodations and great services (massages, spas) for decent prices
- Bali is also attractive to visiting instructors themselves. It is not too far from Australia either. So it is a reason why a lot of tantric yoga instructors in Bali are coming from Australia for a week or two.
- Indonesians themselves care a lot about marital happiness, as they see it as a key to a stable family life (see my article about unconventional Bali massages, which details Indonesian practices like vaginal fogging)
- Tantric yoga classes are also easier to take in Bali than at home for tourists, as when one is far away, it is always easier to let go, to be bold, and to explore (and it’s easier to talk about sexual matters with strangers that you may not ever see again)
Bali yoga retreats: What Tantric Yoga is about
Tantra Yoga is not the same as Kama Sutra. This is not really about positions, but much more about communicating with your partner, relaxing on your own or as a couple, and getting a better awareness of feminine and masculine pleasure. This is both emotional and physical. Tantric yoga is about creating or re-creating a relationship with deep emotional connection, leading to great fulfilling sex.
7 signs that you need a Tantra Yoga retreat
- You and your partner find it hard to communicate or to feel close to each other
- Your marital sex life has become boring
- Past relationships have left you jaded and protective of your heart or fearful to trust
- You feel your sensual and sexual expression is contained and feel fearful to let it out
- You feel blocked, sexually inadequate, or insecure
- You live with sexual shame or regret
- You have been sexually disrespected, and now feel disconnected from pleasure and allowing love into your heart
Yes, tantra can be an answer to marital woes. It has plenty of benefits for your relationship, for your partner and for yourself.
9 great benefits from Bali tantra yoga retreats
- Develop a sexual connection with your partner that feeds your heart, body and life with aliveness
- Rekindle the passion, love, trust and respect in your long term relationships
- Develop strong communication skills that open your world to a life to intimacy
- Awaken sensations of pleasure and bliss in your body you may never have felt before
- Unlock your full potential as a partner and lover
- Release energies that block your full capacity to feel or receive love
- Develop a sexual energy inside yourself that feeds your heart, body and life with aliveness
- Discover what it means to be truly intimate and loving of yourself
- Discover the sacredness of sex and physical intimacy
However, picking the right tantra class for you is not easy. There are pitfalls to avoid.
5 precautions to take when booking your Bali retreat
- Like yoga instructors, not all tantra instructors are of premium quality. Research, ask questions, contact them (you must have them on the phone before booking – a voice can tell you a lot)
- Look carefully at the programme offered. Do sak how practical exercises will be conducted: in group settings? in private? fully clothed?
- Beware of extra costs, like accommodation and spa treatments.
- Make sure that the programme includes some time for yourself, as you will want to escape the class at times
- Bring loose fitting clothes, not too hot (think linen or yoga outfits) to make it easier on your body to relax and also to make it easier for your partner to touch you.
A few recent Bali tantra yoga retreats
Here are tantric yoga classes set in Bali that I selected from my own online research. They are the ones that look the most authentic, but it is always better that you contact these people directly before booking anthing.
Tantra and the Yoga of Intimacy
- The most convincing websites of all, with tantra celebrity Caroline Muir
- 7 days with two of the most exciting tantric yoga instructors teaching today. Join celebrated Tantric sex educator and author Caroline Muir together with Tantra and Yoga of Intimacy teacher Blue for a profound retreat experience unlike any other.
- World-class Yoga (Restorative and Kundalini)
- Mediations (Movement, Silent and Dynamic)
- Relationship and communication education
- 2 days Vipassana (Integrative Silence)
- Where: Soul Shine Retreat Oasis, Ubud
- When: 20 – 24 November 2013
- Price: Australian $4,400
- For more information: Whole Loving Retreats http://www.wholelovingretreatsbali.com
Living Unity – Tantra Alchemy
- Tantra Alchemy is about helping a couple, man and woman, rediscover sex by learning to let go negative energy. Through meditation and love, this is a gentle re-eduction in sex and love. It is about rediscovering the sexual energy between lovers, not just for sexual ecstasy, but to learn how to heal each other. Tantric wisdom and exercises are taught in the group room, while couples are then sent to their own room to improve their lovemaking
- Where:
- When:
- Price:
- For more information:
Vasumati tantra workshops
* Bali Coules Retreat – Rediscovering Intimacy, 4th – 8th Dec 2013
* Helps couples » explore the deeper realms of emotional connection and intimacy in their relationships. » It is about getting close again, then working on sexual . Uses Western knowledge and Eastern wisdom to reassess masculine and feminine polarities. Couples will have time for themselves, to swim, relax, get spa treatments and be intimate
* At Bagus Jati resort ( a yoga retreat, I think)
Sacred sensuality (Tantra retreat)
- Osho Bali near Tabanan
- Learning to connect emotionally and physically, learning to listen to the other, learning to accept oneself. For singles and couples (couples with each other)
- Breathing, activating pleasure senses
Tantra is Love comes to Bali
- THREE one day workshops packed full of transformational and life changing teachings.
- Women’s Tantra Sexuality WorkshopMen’s Tantra Sexuality WorkshopTantra Sexuality Workshop
- there is a video of them
- http://www.tantraislove.com/bali